Aug 15, 2008

I love my Sistaa's

This was sent to me today and it reminded my of one of my greatest blessings. I don't have any blood sisters, but I don't feel deprived. God has placed several in my life that are now irreplaceable. I hope you all enjoy the pleasure of close friendship. It's such a beautiful picture of what God desires in our relationship with Him. His character is full of all that we need and crave.

I love my SISTAA'S

May we all be real enough to enjoy deep and thriving relationships with our sisters.
May we all be deep enough to challenge one another to stay out of the shallows.
May we all be rich enough in character to set a new standard in our conversations.
May we all be humble enough to admit when we are wrong.
May we all be true enough to be faithful to our friends.
May we all be holy enough to love, lean on, and walk with Jesus first and foremost.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

What if everyday was perfect? I remember when my kids were small and we sometimes would watch Mr. Rogers in the morning. Never a raised voice, or an unhappy gesture...always an "S" of a person, with plenty of "R" to go around (for those of you who have studied different personality traits, i.e. STAR.) Life is never like that though is it? I have been able to count at least five times in this past seven days when Ephesians 3:10-18 has been shared with me. While talking with my husband, Wayne, this morning, I told him that I knew that we, and others, are under specific attack. Satan is very busy these days and wants us to cave in and believe his lies. Sometimes he is very subtle, but other times he is just outright blatant in his tactics. We become so laid back in our faith sometimes, believing that our paths will never get thorny. Then his attacks hit us right where we live. Reading the Psalms, I've been reminded that King David was just like us. His life was definately an open book for us to learn from. From the very start he was chosen by and used of God dramatically. Did he "mess up?" Royally (get it?) David had every opportunity to have that perfect life. After all, he was chosen and pursued by God, made King of Israel, was a real war hero, good looking, strong, and even was referred to in scripture as "a man after God's own heart." But, even he dealt with mental and emotional upsets, displayed lack of character at times, experienced the loss of two sons, and time and time again grieved his God. I wonder if David ever looked at his armor as the passage in Ephesians 3 suggests. I challenge you all to read it and, if you can, read the story of David in the Old Testament. Understand that allowing there to be a "chink" in our armor is dangerous, as it was for David, and renders us completely vulnerable. Let me know what you think.

Aug 13, 2008

What is around the next corner?

I have always loved roller coasters. You know the big ones that really take your breath away? I remember that I once talked my sweet Mom into riding with me while our family of four were visiting the Santa Cruz boardwalk. She was always so quiet, gentle and gracious...I'm not much like her, but have always wanted to be. Her walk with Jesus was so evident in her life. She was the one who always encouraged me to not react, but respond instead. Anyway, that roller coaster was not only high and fast, but it was very loud because it was wooden, which made it seem all the more exciting to me, but not to her. Needless to say, that was the last one we ever rode together, but I'll never forget that time. It was great fun and she completely put her fears and inhibitions aside just to be with me for those short few minutes, doing something that I loved and she didn't. Isn't that unconditional love?

Over the past several days I have been on life's roller coaster and also have experienced being an undeserving recipient of God's unconditional love and grace. Oh, I know that it's always the case, but I've experienced His "obvious" blessing when He could have just let me sit and stew. I can remember a few other times in my life where He made his love and provision for me so obvious and timely. It has literally pulled me out of hopelessness to expectancy... I can't wait to see what He is going to do next. Blessings are God's way of "winking" at us sometimes. Not earth changing, but when we catch the eye of the winker, that bit of special attention makes us feel valued. God has done that for me lately and I sense His presence in new ways knowing that He loves me extravagantly.

Do you know that our Father is very fond of you too? He is.