I have a sweet friend who according to her writing, feels like a wreck. I'm thinking she's feeling this way because she is harder on herself than anyone else could ever be. She set a goal and didn't get far until she saw that she had failed more than she'd had victories. Her discipline had bit the dust more days than not. I'm thinking that this is what happens to all of us more times than not, especially when we "put ourselves out there" to be critiqued. Or, how about reading what David wrote in the Psalms forgetting what everyone else might think and maybe consider what God thinks about our broken dreams and goals. God's Word tells us that He is our strength and shield, our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer. I would be tempted to doubt David's words had I not known some of his life's experiences. In other words, he was "relate able." David was as vulnerable in his writings as they come, wasn't he? One resounding theme I see in the scriptures is that God is telling us over and over again that HE IS ENOUGH! He keeps his promises and is faithful to the faithless. Lamentations tells us that His faithfulness is great, and His mercies are new every morning. That gives us reason to not just feel, but
be victorious, doesn't it? Every morning when we open our eyes, before we put our feet on the floor, Satan is there for one specific purpose; to dash our hopes, and make us feel incompetent. When we realize that God has already set our feet in place and has done the work, it is then that we walk
by faith in victory. I pray that we all will ask God to allow us to see everything through His eyes, with His perspective. Do I hear an amen?