Jan 29, 2009

Do we Wreak or are we a Wreck?

I have a sweet friend who according to her writing, feels like a wreck. I'm thinking she's feeling this way because she is harder on herself than anyone else could ever be. She set a goal and didn't get far until she saw that she had failed more than she'd had victories. Her discipline had bit the dust more days than not. I'm thinking that this is what happens to all of us more times than not, especially when we "put ourselves out there" to be critiqued. Or, how about reading what David wrote in the Psalms forgetting what everyone else might think and maybe consider what God thinks about our broken dreams and goals. God's Word tells us that He is our strength and shield, our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer. I would be tempted to doubt David's words had I not known some of his life's experiences. In other words, he was "relate able." David was as vulnerable in his writings as they come, wasn't he? One resounding theme I see in the scriptures is that God is telling us over and over again that HE IS ENOUGH! He keeps his promises and is faithful to the faithless. Lamentations tells us that His faithfulness is great, and His mercies are new every morning. That gives us reason to not just feel, but be victorious, doesn't it? Every morning when we open our eyes, before we put our feet on the floor, Satan is there for one specific purpose; to dash our hopes, and make us feel incompetent. When we realize that God has already set our feet in place and has done the work, it is then that we walk by faith in victory. I pray that we all will ask God to allow us to see everything through His eyes, with His perspective. Do I hear an amen?

Jan 13, 2009

Truer words never spoken...

This is a shortie but a goodie...
We heard a gentleman tell a story....He was preaching at an outdoor service and they had predicted rain all week, the morning of the service dawned with pouring rain, the man continued to beg the Lord for the rain to stop, just as he had all week, and while standing on the platform in pouring rain, arms lifted high, angry at the Lord, not understanding why the Lord had withheld this blessing -the Lord spoke..."you have been more concerned with the absence of rain, than with the presence of Me."

How are we doing within the boundaries of His presence so far in 2009?  When I read this( on another blog,) it stopped me "in my tracks."  I hope that I have alot of these days.  Days where I am pulled back, reigned in, and loudly reminded that this is the place I need to be.  A place where I am passionately and earnestly seeking His presence in my heart and life.  Let's travel on, my friends, one step - one moment at a time.

Jan 9, 2009

Whatever we call it...Call it Real

One of my favorite and sometimes "off the wall" authors is Max Lucado. He has written another book called In the Eye of the Storm. Without giving it all to you I think it to be a great book to see into the life of Jesus, maybe just for a day? Our worlds do get windy every so often, don't they...but there is calm in the midst of the storm when we know Jesus and just trust Him and take Him at his Word. This journey certainly has its' moments but one thing I know is the One who holds my future. Have a blessed day practicing His presence with me.

-- Love God more than you fear hell.

-- Once a week, let a child take you on a walk.
-- Make major decisions in a cemetery.
-- When no one is watching, live as if someone is.
-- Succeed at home first.
-- Don't spend tomorrow's money today.
-- Pray twice as much as you fret.
-- Listen twice as much as you speak.
-- Only harbor a grudge when God does.
-- Never outgrow your love of sunsets.
-- Treat people like angels; you will meet some and help make some.
-- 'Tis wiser to err on the side of generosity than on the side of scrutiny.
-- God has forgiven you; you'd be wise to do the same.
-- When you can't trace God's hand, trust his heart.
-- Toot your own horn and the notes will be flat.
-- Don't feel guilty for God's goodness.
-- The book of life is lived in chapters, so know your page number.
-- Never let the important be the victim of the trivial.
To sum it all up:
Approach life like a voyage on a schooner. Enjoy the view. Explore the vessel. Make friends with the captain. Fish a little. And then get off when you get home.

Jan 5, 2009

Decision time!

Enough of my friend, Neil...now on to the realities of life. No, I'm not going to get all serious and gloomy with you, instead I would like to know what you personally have set as a goal for this new year. I heard a statement today that will stay in my "frontal lobes" for quite some time, I think. It was(and I quote loosely) "God doesn't care as much about what we do, whether it be to work hard at our business, make money, or even how much we make, as He is concerned that we give Him the praise and glory for whatever we accomplish." That means to me that my heart has to be right. My perspective needs to be in alignment with what He has for me in every area of my life. Can we just remember to MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SAVIOR? Satan just wants to "derail" us at every turn. So let me be the first to say that my goal is most importantly to strive to consciously live within God's plan and purpose for me each day. That's an impossible feat, I know, but Ephesians 3:20 says what I want and need to hear and can unequivocally depend upon. Here is what it says... "God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." This is what I want. To be a woman that seeks His heart, who is gentle and loving in all ways, and one that encourages others to not fear following their Lord. Here comes a verse from another old hymn. They just kind of float thru sometimes ... It will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ. One glimpse of his dear face, all sorrows will erase. So greatly run the race. Till we see Christ. Let me know what your thoughts are.