These gals are my best friends! Some closer than others, but nevertheless, more important than I could ever verbalize. Do you have a best friend? At least one who will stand by you no matter what? I've asked myself many times why God has blessed me so much in this area of my life. My blessings are great, my heart is full, and I am humbled by His goodness to me. Having friends, especially close ones, can give fulfillment, security, happiness and sometimes a little pain. Thankfully, not all at once. I have found that becoming vulnerable to another person can be a risk, but on the other hand it also can be our greatest asset, as well as God's greatest tool to:
a. Shave a little (or alot) off those rough edges in us,
b. Work on that character quality we are not so good at emulating in a "pinch,"
c. Show the stark contrast of God's characteristics vs. ours, and...
d. Encourage us to become more like Him...thus, making us be a better friend.
How good of God to never leave us or forsake us when we aren't the best of friends to Him.
We can become pretty fickle sometimes, can't we? I want to be a woman He can count on, just like I want to be the best of friends to those who have touched, and continue to bless my life. So, for those of you who aren't in this picture I've posted. Thank you for being so stedfast, so wonderfully perfect for me in every way. You know who you are...and I love you.
He Pays Attention to Your Details
7 years ago