Mar 30, 2009

Doesn't get much better than this!!!

I have returned from a much needed week-end of fun and laughter! Do you remember the last time you "belly laughed?" Being with my girlfriends is always such fun, and gives me new perspective, as well as reminds me of how much I value the people He has blessed me with.....Such is grace. Things said that will "come to life" with just a look or a smile from another that knows what you're talking about. Now that is fun! I hope you all have a friend like this. God wants us to see him as the best of friends. He tells us that He sticks closer than a brother (or sister.) The more we KNOW Him, the more we want to KNOW of HIM. Have a day of contentment...on me.

Mar 24, 2009

"Bring the Rain" by Mercy Me

I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You

Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray

Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

I am yours regardless of the clouds that may
loom above because you are much greater than
my pain you who made a way for me suffering
your destiny so tell me whats a little rain
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
is the lord God almighty
is the lord God almighty
I'm forever singing

If there is one thing I do know, it's that I am His, REGARDLESS!
Maybe you will take the time to listen to the song as you read
the words. This can lead you into does me.

Mar 16, 2009

Rose-colored glasses

Not much new to report today. Been looking at the inside of boxes for the past few days. The best thing is that we aren't sick, the sun has been shining and the warmth of another spring is making the blossoms pop out all over. I'm finally adjusting a little to daylight savings time, too. Maybe it's my age, but it seems this year that I just couldn't get with the program. I watched a little news this morning, big mistake, and listened to President Obama's statements regarding the economy. All I can say is, "hmmmmmmm." Let's just wait and see.
This journey of faith that I am on is full of twists and turns, to say the least....must be a verse somewhere that says, "and God said, "GO FIGURE!." I don't know how anyone can even take an
unanxious breath without knowing Jesus personally and intimately. This includes every emotional dip and bump we can experience...and God literally knows there will be many of them. I've discovered that my part in this is to ask God for "His Take" on what I am to do, how I am to think and act, and be READY to live out either the blessings or the consequences of my decisions. I have finally figured out that I have nothing to lose by living a life of faith. I know more joy every minute of every day than seems neither earned or appropriate, but I love the wastefulness & the indulgence of my Heavenly Father's grace and presence for me(and you.) For me, everything in my life that matters, is perfect because of who I am to Him. I'll just keep on wearing these rose-colored glasses He gives, so I can see things through His perspective.

Mar 11, 2009

OK...I'm thinking I need to get out from behind my "pulpit" here and say something light for a change. Today I've been putting boxes together and packing my collectibles. Oh, just in case you are wondering, yes, we are moving again. Back into Fresno or Clovis, don't know which yet. This house, although great and quiet, takes too much outside upkeep, and is too far from everything we have to do. It would be perfect if we were retired, but not so, not yet anyway. I guess that is the reason that I've never completely unpacked from our last move.
I had a job interview yesterday at a place called "exceptional parents unlimited." They are a 30 yr. old non-profit organization that assists children and families facing extraordinary medical, developmental, and parenting challenges. The job description I applied for was Admin. Asst./Billing Asst. It was interesting, and I think it would be challenging so will wait and see if they call back. I haven't worked outside of our business now for five years, so the thought of having to learn new things and new ways of doing them is a bit daunting. If this is where God wants me, then I know He will not only allow it, but will give me the brain to absorb what I need to in order to do a job well done. I hope you are still in the learning phase of this chapter of your life. Each day offers us the opportunity to stretch and grow, doesn't it? Let's go forward in His grace...

Mar 7, 2009

What are we thinking?

Living a lie. None of us really can do it for long, because we were created with one purpose in mind, to prove that God is the only Truth and the only Way. Oh yes, He gives us a long leash, but most times we run the risk of "hanging ourselves" with it. Scripture cautions us over and over again that God will keep His Word and be true to it, that His character is unchanging, that He is going to be known by His work in our lives whether it be now or later. Why do we think that a little pleasure here will satisfy us or that we can ever do anything out of His sight, or His allowance of it? My Dad used to say, "Don't ever mistake your Christian walk for fire-insurance." Hell is literal, but consequential "hell on earth" is horrendous as well. Do we only look at our sin with the thought that God will always forgive, so I can do whatever I want and then just ask forgiveness, only just to go on living our lives as we please? John the Apostle refers to our life in Christ as the abundant life. We are pre-labeled by our Creator as "perfect, thoroughly furnished for all good works." We lack nothing and only need to ask. Sad to say though, that no matter what, we are never satisfied. I always think back to the people of Israel as they journeyed through the desert. It didn't matter what God did for them, and it was amazing, that they spent much of their forty years in His presence whining, crying, fighting, it was disobedience on parade...constantly pulling on that proverbial leash, as they insisted more than once on doing their own thing. Maybe those desert travels are more of an accurate picture of our lives even now, than we think? The biggest difference I see is that we don't live under the scrutiny of the Law anymore, but instead under Grace. How benevolent of a loving God. He knows what we will do to continue to push the envelope. How it must sadden Him to think that after all He has done to prove Himself worthy of our worship and our trust, we, as they, are still so stubborn in our ways. Short sighted, easily distracted, and selfish. When we read what the punishment was for their poor decisions then ... murder, adultery, disobedience, idolatry to name a few, we can only be amazed at the stark difference in what we often "get away" with now...but, only for now. I am bothered and perplexed at how we justify our actions, act on our thoughts and emotions, and then don't give our willful disobedience a second thought. Satan doesn't seemingly have to bother with us anymore. We have become so tolerant, and accepting with each other he must barely give us a second thought much of the time. Our ears have stopped listening to God's still, small voice because we have not "set a guard on our hearts and minds," and have become insistant in believing our own lies and making our own paths...crooked as they are. Loving God with all our heart, mind, soul while stepping outside of His hedge of protection is a misnomer at the very least. We can't have both, anymore than we can have it all. Choices have to be made within the boundaries of His grace. Does He forgive...Absolutely, and removes our sin to be seen no more. However, just as the Israelites discovered, we too have to deal with the resulting consequences. Is it ever worth it? Don't think so...Not now or ever.