I love to share, and I love to give. Sharing is the easiest, because it is giving something that you already have. One of the most meaningful gifts we can give to each other is to pray for them. A picture I have always kept in my mind comes from my childhood. It's one of my Dad & Mom, kneeling by their bed, praying together every night. My parents were always at home with us. I honestly can't remember many times that one of them wasn't home every day. Never had a babysitter, in fact, don't ever think we were even apart on Sundays at church except for separate sunday school classes as my brother and I grew up. We sat in church quietly with our parents, and grew up singing every verse of every hymn. Potluck dinners were just a part of our Sunday most times. Life was simple, secure, and we never felt unloved or in the way. My Mom was a stay at home mom, and my Dad was a hard working man who loved his family and made sure we knew we were special. We didn't have alot of material things, but we never felt we went without. The important things that were practiced in our home were lots of hugging and kissing, respect for one another, and living out a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Praying was looked at as both a gift and a priveledge. Each meal was started with one of us praying and thanking God. Never a written or recited prayer at our table, but a personal conversation with our personal God. I think it is because of this that I've never felt that God was impersonal, but only our loving and always present heavenly Father.
So, this is why I feel comfortable coming to Him everyday. It's why He is the first person I go to for anything and everything. Why I just naturally fall into prayer, into that conversation with my God. I feel at home and relaxed sharing my thoughts, desires, my needs, my burdens, my cares... because I believe that He cares about what I care about. He knows me better than anyone else. During my day many times, someone will come to mind. I've come to believe that when this happens I need to pray for them. I don't need to know specifically what is happening in their life at the time, but I know that God knows, and that's enough. The more time I spend with others, the more I see that praying is hard for some to do. It's just talking with God, that's all. The Bible tells me that when we speak His name, He turns His face towards us. Amazing! When we talk with Him there is nothing between us...just one friend to another. There are no wrong words, in fact, we're told that when we don't have the words to say, He knows our hearts and says them for us. It's like being with a best friend and sitting comfortably in silence. No judgement, only unconditional love. Does this make you feel as good as it does me? I love the gift of prayer and feel I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what it can do in my life. It was a gift given to us to use during our lifetimes. After all, we won't need it in heaven since we will be in His presence. This reminds me to not waste it, rather to use it, and spend it on those I love and know. We all need to experience God's touch, His power in our lives, and be blessed by the miracle of practicing His presence. Have you talked with Him yet today? He's waiting...