Jun 16, 2009

Why do we make it so hard?

I have heard lately many renditions of what scripture really says. Now, I don't consider myself to have a handle on most things, but my simple mind has come to the conclusion that God isn't nearly as concerned that I understand or even agree with everything that crosses my path, as He is that I not loose my grip on just holding on to Him for all I need. The majority of christian writers, teachers, and pastors are much more well-read and intelligent than I, but I do know that like becoming more the master of my healthcare, I have my Bible and I can read and understand it for myself as well ... This is God's love letter to us, and it is written for us and to us. The book of James cautions me to watch for those that would put their own slant on God's truth, twist it to say what they want to hear, and use it to make themselves look better than they are. We all start in the same place...as sinners that God has given the gift of His own Son, who has bridged the gap our sin presents by giving His life on the cross for us in order that we be able to experience a personal relationship with Him. My position on the health & wealth, and power of positive thinking ideas, has evolved over the past few years in my walk with Jesus by journeying thru life's circumstances, reading and "digesting" the Word, and now lately reading a little book called "the 4:8 Principle." In it the writer expounds on the rather simplistic truth that as believer's we are to first concentrate on making sure that our thoughts are held captive by our heavenly Father's intentions for us. "finally brothers(sisters), whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, & good report..think on these things." It is when we just follow this recipe for success that no matter what crosses our paths, good, bad or indifferent, we find we are already equipped through Him that loves us so, and to walk through it hand in hand. Being "covered", "transformed by the renewing of our minds", "thoroughly furnished", is our legacy as sons and daughters of the King. Being JOY-FILLED is meant to be our natural state as we just take what is ours because of Him who went before us in every way. All these other thoughts that pull us aside from practicing His presence through faith only render us faithless as we listen to the wrong people. Our ineffectiveness is Satan's greatest satisfaction where we are concerned. Veering away from the simplicity of God's Truth is the challenge. Trying to make sense of everything that comes our way is human, but trusting our Creator is the key to being able to watch God orchestrate our lives for our and His ultimate good. "We are over-comer's...Being conquerors through Him who loves us so." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt7gKnzXYXc

Jun 6, 2009

Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

See, this little girl? Her name is Shaye. I have known her since the time she was born, in fact, I was blessed to attend her birth. She was a tiny baby girl, not much over five pounds, but I remember the first thing that I noticed about her was her perfect little head and her huge captivating eyes. I love Shaye's family. She has one older brother, one younger brother, and a younger sister, and love each of them tremendously. This kind of places her in the middle. Her parents love and enjoy her completely, and have learned to appreciate and encourage the differences in all four of their children.
I believe that God puts individuals in our lives for a purpose, and I have to say that where this young lady of seven is concerned, Shaye has blessed me in more ways than I can count. I see wonderful qualities in her that have come across in the past to be mistaken at times negitively or hard to handle. However, my feeling is that after doing something questionable, if a hug and a "sorry" follows, there is always hope. I mean, really, do we even ever get it right in adulthood?!!! I'm sure that God shakes His head at us more times than not. Pictures are as plentious of this little girl as are her moods, smiles, creativity, and constant willingness to do or learn something new. She loves to laugh, to teach, to be read to, to write and color, to control, and to do things her own way. How can I (or YOU) not smile inside when you look at this picture of her toothless grin. I tell her as often as I see her how much I love her. It's true! When I sit at her house, or she at mine, she always will come and cuddle up next to me, sometimes with a pile of books. Soon she will be reading them all without any help from me, sadly. Her legs are almost as long as mine, and she has her own things to do, but for now I know that I still have a place in her heart and am important to her. She will always be important to me. I'll always remember those big eyes on that tiny baby girl that I thought was beautiful from the very beginning. She is growing into many of those "tough to handle" personality characteristics that caused her parents grief. Her strengths of spontaneity, a strong will, attention to detail, and most importantly a tender heart are going to take her far. I pray for all of them, just like I do my own three children, now grown. God has been so faithful ... He has a definite and defined purpose for each of us, and I thank Him today especially for my Shaye-Shaye. All I ask in return is that when she thinks of me, she smiles too.

Heavenly Father, You are so good to give us a picture of your love for us, in the love we are gifted to experience in our own lives. I thank you for my family, and for others like Shaye, who you've placed in my life to love so easily...Just as you love us with ease. When something of true beauty is given to us, we know it's of You. Remind me to watch for those "small touches" that you have placed in my heart and life, instead of allowing the mountains that I want moved to blind me of the many "custom made by you" details that are already there.

Bless Shaye, protect her and her brothers & sister, and prepare those that will know and learn from her as she grows and matures into a lovely young woman that belongs to You. Life will always be exciting when Shaye is in it! Amen.