All I can think of today is the song that says, "Oh, how He loves you and me...He gave His life, what more could He give...Oh how He loves you, Oh how He loves me, Oh how He loves you and me."
I have to admit to you all that this dry and barren place I've been for way too long now has nearly gotten the best of me. This morning as I looked to ck my email and facebook, all seemed the same in my world. NOT GOOD! Then as I looked a little more I saw Susie Larson's "encouraging words for the day"...about being thankful...where ever I am, for disappointments & fears, for what ever I have or don't have...simple concept, hard task at times. Satan is so sly, sooo smooth...but not always his fault. When we slip (or even walk) away from what we know is the right thing to do there is always self-justification and pride to fall back on after all. This is where I've been..."Pity Party Extraordinaire" Someone have a rope to throw?
The first thing I have to be thankful for is that I don't have to backtrack...only go forward. This life is not a ferris wheel or even a roller coaster. We DON'T end up where we started ever. The result of my decisions carry with them either the potential to become rotten or sprout and grow. God's desire is that I learn from my mistakes (and even my intentional but poor choices) and see that they get me absolutely no where. Sista's ... I am talking to me, albeit out loud. I am where I have chosen to be, just not where God wants me to be, and for that I am repentant.
It's time for me to get back into the game, off the sidelines, and learn to recognize those hits of life that crush my spirit are also capable of being used by my mighty and loving Father as tools to remind me to lean into His everlasting arms. My choice.