Just wondering how Mary must have felt this day..knowing her time was close to give birth. A young teenage girl of probably 14-15 years of age who had already met an Angel telling her that she was going to not only have a baby, but that this child would be the Son of God. Now she finds herself traveling on the back of a donkey, far from her parents, her home, all that represented safety and security for her...with a young man who knew only that their lives would be different from anyone else's. What fear she must have felt not knowing what it meant to give birth..without her family, her mother, no friends...only Joseph. The things she would feel and see these next few days are all unknown to her now. BUT...God had His perfect plan. One that would take the next thirty-three years for them to see what would be accomplished thru their willingness to be used by Him. Would I have been so willing, so in tuned to God's voice that I would live such a life of faith? "Love so amazing, so divine...demands my life, my soul, my all..." God's Blessings on each of you...every one.