Sep 30, 2012

A Legacy...a Valuable Life

Yesterday was one of those days that will be etched in my memory forever.  We celebrated the "home-going" of a dear man of God ... Dr. Bob, as we lovingly called him, who is now...this very moment, not only is in the very presence of God, but once again see's firsthand what Heaven is in reality, as well as all those that went before him.  His father, mother, and many more ... but, especially the sweet & gracious love of his life, Barbara, who graduated to heaven 30+ years ago. It must have something to do with my age, but I now think of heaven as my destination, and not a "somewhere, out there" place.  God has been gracious to open my eyes just a little more about this place that He is preparing for me. I have often wondered what I will look like, if I will recognize others, if I would have any kind of a "body" at all, or perhaps look like a puff of smoke or cloud....I don't know ... what would a spirit look like?  My Pastor elaborated a couple of weeks ago and the scriptures gave me what I call, "a light-bulb" moment.  I love these! They almost feel like the one gift that we were allowed to open as children before Christmas morning. Maybe best said as the pre-cursor of things to come? I believe that God shows us that we will be seen just as Jesus was seen after he rose from the dead...How come I didn't connect these dots before? He was seen, touched and touched others. He spoke and was heard. He ate and drank, and enjoyed his friends afterward.  He walked and talked with some of his closest compadres', showing them the wounds left in his hands and feet from the Cross three days before.  Then when the time came, he went up ("ascended") into heaven, to sit at the right hand of the Father.  Let me elaborate just a bit more...the Bible tells us that "to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord". This journey (Life) is different for each of us. It (Life) is our preparation for HEAVEN. All ROADS do NOT lead to heaven, sorry ... however, those that LOVE God,  and have accepted the sacrificial GIFT of His Son, Jesus, as the PAYMENT IN FULL for our inabilities and short-falls(SIN) are promised a home there FOREVER AND EVER. I could keep on going, but will bring this to a close by saying that this is GOD's PLAN for each of us if we chose it.  He is a good, wise and loving God who tells us that "He is not wanting that any of us would leave this life and not go to be with Him".  
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when it's my time to go I will see my Dad & Mom, relatives and friends who are there.  They will know me and greet me, and we will be together forever. Dr. Bob knew this and made sure that every person at his "graduation" service understood exactly where he was.  You see, he had not only packed for his journey, but he had his "ticket".  We all have plenty of baggage, and many have it packed full, but do we have the ticket to our destination?...JESUS. 

All this to say dear sisters, that after this soul-searching weekend you've just spent away from your daily-days, my prayer is that you would know by experience, the unconditional love and acceptance of a God who has paved the way and paid the price for us.  I hope you leave with a new desire to be absolutely CAPTIVATED by Him. You will never be disappointed. 

1 comment:

Nonni said...

Really good word...sorry I am so late to the "party" but you!
Love you sissy!