Oct 1, 2008

He likes me, He really likes me !

This blogging business is both fun and habit forming. Although as many say, it takes away the "personal touch" that writing a letter gives. I would have to agree. I still mail cards, but not enough. I find that writing my thoughts allows me to express myself to the receiver more effectively. Writing via the screen also allows deletions of some things unnecessary or better left unsaid. It allows the opportunity to express a plethora (thank you, Shane) of sentiments to be forever etched in the heart of another. I know that I keep many of the notes that I have received over the years because they were touching and continue to be in my "go back to" file when I need to be reminded that I am valued and loved. Isn't that what we all want? To believe that we are not expendable? To know that others acceptance of us is not based on conditions? I have been reading my Bible more than usual this past year, and I've been reminded again that those sixty-six books all constitute one thing...God's letter of love & desire for our acceptance of Him and what He has done, expressly for us, as individuals. I don't know if many of you have read the Bible from it's first book and chapter starting with Genesis, but I can vouch for the fact that God has wanted to make Himself known to us, from the very beginning of time. The relationship we have had with Him has always been tumultuous, but He has always faithfully shown us that his love is not conditional (good thing for us,) rather, He continually waits for our eventual return at the front gate with open arms, ready to restore us to the position that we traded, for the things we thought more important. Side note: Read the story of the Prodigal Son and put God in the Father's role and yourself in the role of the son who left.(Luke 15:11-32) Another note: You might take a few minutes and read the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1-4. You would have to admit that they had the best environment ever, along with the fact that God desired their companionship so much He walked with them "in the cool of the evening." Now that's one on one if I've ever heard it! As we work our way through scripture and see God's character more clearly with each person He has dealt with, we begin to understand his ways more and more. These words that have been written are inspired, as in "God-breathed," so that we can expressly KNOW Him. This is where I have come to realize that it is up to me to accept all that He is and claims to be. He encourages us to put Him to the test.."Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. His mercies endureth forever." Our task is to truly trust Him and take Him at his Word. I am overwhelmed at His goodness and his grace for me. The fact is that His Word is alive, and practical to my daily living. But, most of all, it is His Word that is His personal love letter to me(& you). Not only does He like me, He really loves me too!


Nonni said...

I am getting a great deal of mileage out of those very truths lately. They are literally getting me over the road. HE LIKES ME! and He loves me too. Gosh that feels so good to say. Great blog today Bonnie! Thanks Sis!... Love you too!

Bonnie said...

How are you doing? Hope you are finding some rest and relaxation sometimes. How's the dulcimer coming. Be sure to bring at Christmas or whenever you make it here. We may just be giving spiced oranges this year...Ha. God will provide. Have sure been enjoying Casey's blog and pics. You and I should take a trip someplace, don't you think. We would have fun doing anything, I think. Let's get creative!

Nonni said...

How am I doing...I am getting through the days. And they are really full of hard work. The house and yard are in so much disrepair...sometime during the past year I stopped taking care of the place. So I am paying for it now, but making headway. The dulcimer is coming along. I am enjoying it and moving slowly forward...I will bring it down when I come. Forget the oranges...pass me a cup of tea or coffee and settle in for a chat THAT'S a GREAT gift!
A trip sounds delightful, its just getting out from under so much responsibility and then the logistics of...travel cash. Creative is the operative word! I'll work on that one. Well have got to run...

Nonni said...

I LOVE your new picture at the top of your blog...really beautiful...my favorite time of year, autumn. :-)