Nov 29, 2008

Learning that I need to be Unconditionally Thankful.

Around our Thanksgiving table this past Thursday, my brother-in-law took it upon himself to make us "think" in the midst of all the eating. As we approached the full-mark, he had us pull a piece of paper from a basket, asked each of us to read what we had taken, and then think of a person that had made a mark on our lives who wasn't sitting at our table. This was the quote that I chose and read. I thought it quite provoking, altho a bit wordy...maybe the gal was english! But it's true! Don't our days and nights roll all into one most times? Especially at this time of year when we get so frazzled and worn out from trying to keep up with all the get-together's, parties, office functions, and then there is Christmas shopping and families descending on Christmas eve and the day itself. Kind of like a meal that has taken most of the day to prepare, that is eaten in less that 30 minutes. See what you think...

"Each day we awake is a new start, another chance. Why waste it on self-pity, slothfulness, and selfishness? Roll that day around on your tongue, relish the taste of its freedom. Breathe deeply of the morning air, savor the fragrance of opportunity. Run your hands along the spine of those precious 24 hours and feel the strength in that sinew and bone. Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It's in our hands." - Cathy Better

Well, can't say that I agree with everything she writes, but I do go along with facing each day as a gift. No matter what it holds. I think that Jesus did a great job of making His days count while walking this earth. After all, he had his Father's example to follow. Just think of the mess that might have been if God hadn't had a schedule, and been organized throughout the process of Creation. He gave everything so much thought and paid such attention to detail. Just take a minute and walk outside. God's decorating prowess put's our holiday glitter and glamor to shame. It won't matter where you are, you can't help but see His hand in the leaves on the trees, or the grass, or the clouds in the blue sky. How about the stars and the moon. Each one was put on this earth for two reasons. First for our enjoyment, and secondly, so that we would see His hand in everything, and seek after Him in praise and thankfulness. No doubt, this world and even life itself can become tainted and ugly, but those of us that know God have the confidence that life can only be worthwhile when He is in it. Not as "just someone somewhere out there," but when He takes occupancy through our personal invitation into the very "heart" of us. Life does have a beginning, but it is endless only as we know it here. We live on e* t* e* r* n* a* l* l* y, as in "forever after." The place we spend this forever time is of our own choosing. Here is just a glimpse of how God thinks of us, and has from the beginning of time... "The Lord delights in you." Isa. 62:4. "Thus says the Lord, who created you..."Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine." Isa. 43:1. "See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands..." Isa. 49:16 So now, as we approach this wonderful time of year, I believe it's important to #1 Use the word Christmas every chance we get, #2 Give extravagantly of ourselves to others, #3 Maybe for the first time realize what a sacrifice it was for God the Father to send His only Son to earth, all the while knowing what His reception and walk of life would hold. He did it anyway, because He had a better plan for us. Take some time to listen to the words of some of the Christmas carols you'll hear during these next few weeks. Ask God to show you something you never knew about Him before. In these questionable and trying times for many, reach out as only you can, and share His love through your own experiences. Let me be the first to say to each of you....MERRY CHRISTMAS,... and don't get lost in the crowds~

Nov 24, 2008

Where do I fit?

Here is a question for you. Have your ever wondered how "you fit" in all that surrounds you in your life? What is the purpose of any event, either positive and negative that happens, especially those things outside of our control? I think I may have an answer...which is pivotal for me (don't laugh.) Even though much of what we do continuously or habitually, is what makes us feel good, or accomplished, or garners praise from others, I think we do what we do, because we want to feel like we fit somewhere so badly. It is only when we read what scripture says in Romans 12:1&2, or John 3, or Psalms 23, or Jeremiah 29:11, that we understand that, life as we know it, was never meant to necessarily make us happy. In fact, christian or not, most is uncomfortable. Life loves to beat us up, figuratively speaking. We, as followers of Jesus, are repeatedly referred to as sheep, sojourners, unstable in all our ways, driven by the wind and tossed, sinners saved only by His grace, and in dire need of a Savior and saving. The list goes on and on. You're not painting a soothing picture, Bonnie. Pretty depressing, huh? So, the original question is not "do we fit," but maybe, "HOW can we possibly fit?" The christian out-of-the-box author, C.S. Lewis, speaks clearly here, "If you think of this world as a place intended simply for our happiness, you'll find it quite intolerable; Think of it instead as a place of training and correction, and it's not so bad."

P. S. I have to laugh at myself here...I guess that God wanted me to be done while writing this last night. I hit the post button by mistake. Isn't that life though? So much of what we do is "by mistake," and then God in His infinite wisdom picks up our messes and turns them into something useful. So, this is how we fit. It's His puzzle, His plan, His purpose, but most of all we have to be His person! Happy Thanksgiving to each one of you. You fit into my life quite well and I'm very grateful.

Nov 20, 2008

A Shelter in the time of Storm...

It seems that on a daily basis I receive an email having to do with the state of the economy. Today one came that showed a list of about thirty well-known corporations that are shutting down stores or closing all together. If ever there was a time that we are feeling "out of control," this would be least in my lifetime. I remember hearing my parents and grandparents speaking of the Depression, and because of my inability to relate to anything like that, I didn't really pay much attention to it. Now, I can understand, even though it hasn't become that bad YET, why people literally ended their lives during that time. Everyone has been, or will be touched by this current event. It will no doubt be put in our children's history books, and remembered by those of us that trudged through it as a challenging time in our own lifetimes.

I am discovering one thing, and that is to recognize that no matter how faithful we perceive ourselves to be, that it is not real or refined unless we have had to put actual "feet" to our faith. Does that make sense? One of the many things that I love about the Bible is that it gives us the opportunity to watch many men and women whose lives were changed, challenged, tried and tested. One of my favorites is Paul. How many times do we read his words that were written from a cold, dark prison cell, or a sinking boat. Paul was consistently putting the needs of others first and sharing His faith in God's sovereignty. I don't know anyone that has had to go through what Paul endured, not even now, but how easy it is for us to question our circumstances or the reason for them. How my own "mustard seed" faith has been brought into focus for me. My own weakness has been magnified and when I take the time to look, God's strength has become multiplied, or has the potential to if I will just get out of the way...IICor. 12:9
"My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness ... so that others may see it is only the power of Christ working through me." In other words, there is a time that we all need to be stripped to our very core so that others don't see us, but Jesus living and working in and through us. That's painful at times, isn't it? Refining, pruning, shelving, and even removing is at times what is necessary to show that it is really God who is in control. I believe that these days are a time when we will have the opportunity to either take God at His Word and trust, or continue to refuse to let go and eventually fail. There are only two forces at work here, one is the god of this world, and the other is our heavenly Father. Putting blinders on or pretending that these things will just go away and return to "normal," is a dangerous thing to do. Denying that God is trying to get our attention puts us in a very precarious position, to say the least. No matter what we feel, or say, God never changes. He has an itinerary, and His track record shows that He will do what He says He will do. I will encourage each of my readers to look inward. Know that He loves you and that without His presence in your life there is no solid ground to stand on. We have to go about our lives and business giving our very best, remembering that it all is a gift from Him. I can't leave you without reminding you that the big picture is all good. We who know Jesus are safe and sheltered. There is nothing that can tear us from His arms of love. We are forever secure even though things look rocky. Our future is bright and eternal. Let's continue to encourage each other and fight the good fight. Security is knowing that we can depend on the One who knows us and loves us unconditionally.

Nov 15, 2008

Personal Parable of the Fresno Met

It has been a BIG & busy day! We just arrived home from a second trip today to the Fresno Metropolitan Museum. Whitney is working there now and because the Met has been completely refurbished after three years of rebuilding, they are having an open house for three consecutive days (& nights.) Quite an undertaking, but very impressive. If you live in the area, you should go...and take your family. This may seem a little far-fetched, but for some reason I have been reminded of the changes that I've been faced with this past year or so. Seeing the before's and after's of the home of the Met reminds me a little of me over these past months. Seems that when the redo was started they thought it would only take a year. Isn't that the way it always is. We look at something from the outside and determine what needs doing without any thought of what might be under the surface. More times than not it turns out to be "a real can of worms." I think it's a pretty accurate picture of us. God is primarily concerned about changing our hearts, ... and that's pretty deep, my friends. It wouldn't be nearly as painful if all He needed to do to make us His best, were to only include changing something on the surface, would it? Maybe we would like a different eye or hair color, weight, height, posture, or even deleting a personality glitch. It's not like He looks at us after the fact and says, "Oops! Better redo that part!" He's only concerned about the contents of our hearts, isn't He; and the result of a vital relationship with Him puts everything else not only in place, but in proper perspective of who we are in relationship to who He is. Crazy how God can use every single thing (even an old building with a facelift), and thought, and bring us to a place where we come full circle facing Him ... like it or not. I love that. He never lets go, never gives up on us, continues to teach and nurture us, even to the extent of "washing OUR feet." He consistently reminds us over and over again, that we belong to Him. Just can't get any better or any safer than least until we see Him face to face.

Nov 10, 2008

How big is your Mountain...?

mustard seed

"Give God a chance to be God. Have faith in Him, God is good. He keeps His promises and He will not let you down." Yep, that's what my pastor said. Easy for him to say, too. Oswald Chambers, writer of My Utmost for His Highest, defines the Discernment Of Faith - "Faith as a grain of mustard seed..." Matthew 17:20. That would be small, small, small...but attainable. "Faith by its very nature must be tried, and the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust in God, but that God's character has to be cleared in our own minds. Faith in its actual working out has to go through spells of unsyllabled isolation. Never confound the trial of faith with the ordinary discipline of life, much that we call the trial of faith in the inevitable result of being alive. Faith in the Bible is faith in God against everything that contradicts Him-I will remain true to God's character whatever He may do. "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him"-this is the most sublime utterance (bottom line) of faith in the whole of the Bible."
Do you ever have times where you know that God is obviously trying to tell you something? After hearing the pastor's quote, the question that came to my mind was, so "Which characteristic of God is the most difficult for me to grasp?" My immediate thought was, God's timing is difficult for me to grasp. What would your reaction to that question be? It is so hard to just trust and wait on God to make His move(s). Not feeling in control is so frustrating. I can be not only impatient with my circumstances, but at times find myself justifying my thoughts, and more sadly my actions, when I come to the edge of myself. I lack the ability to keep trusting that He knows what is best for every situation.
Being uncomfortable, out of control, or just plain inconvenienced grates on my "good" nature most times. But knowing this confirms that my faith needs to spend more time in motion than parked where it's safe. I can only agree and aspire to be like the apostle Paul when he says, "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished my course." Giving up or giving out isn't an option, except when we begin living as unto ourselves. A man by the name of Habakkuk whined to God, "
Lord, how long do I have to call out for help? Why don't you listen to me? How long must I keep telling you that things are terrible? Why don't you save us?" Guess we haven't changed much. Still reacting like the freed children of Israel, who saw miracle after miracle with their own eyes. Maybe you, as I, see something you are challenged with right now a little differently. Hopefully and prayerfully, may we all continue to exercise that tiny mustard seed of faith and see the "mountains" moved, whatever they may be. Blessings...

Nov 7, 2008

Whoa, 2008! ! !

I am doing my best to keep this month from going by too fast. If I could stop the clock every few hours it would make me feel better. Already it seems the calendar is filling up with extra curricular activities. Go to bed, get up, get going, miss lunch, hurry home for dinner, go to bed again...and that is how it goes. Every year I try to make a tryst with myself to enjoy each day and make memories at as much as I can, and with those that are so important to me. So now that I'm a week almost past the starting line of this holiday season, I'm sensing that it's going to have to be a conscious effort on my part to make this happen. I don't want to find that I've "squeezed" in so much that I don't remember it all. It's true you know, the older we get the faster time goes by. Here I am the mother of 25 yr & 22 yr old daughters, and a soon to be 19 yr old son. How did that happen? I watch all the "babies" whose births were eagerly anticipated these past few years and they have grown so fast. Maybe if we just wouldn't get older as they grow, all of this would be more palatable.
So have you been through a Costco or Sam's Club yet? Or maybe a Home Goods Store? __???__ is closer than we want to think. Would you remind me to not get bogged down in all the goings and comings, but rather enjoying the moments? I love the change in the weather, the rainy days, the clear, crisp blue sky days that bring out the sweaters and make your nose run. The snow on the mountains, and pomogranets on my tree...They are so pretty. Well, till next time remember that I'm thankful for each one of you.

Nov 5, 2008

On with life.

I'm going to spare you and instead share with you something my sis-in-law wrote yesterday. I can't possibly improve on what she said, but will leave a verse with you that fits me well.

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deut. 31:8
It has been said that "fear is nurtured by ignorance."
When we do not know the true God, we assume He is like ourselves and that alone is a terrifying thought. When we do not know the true God, we reduce Him to a mere mortal. And so our minds make our fears bigger than they really are and, sadly, bigger than He is.

The election is now over and the results are in. I am certainly disappointed in the outcome, but life will go on. This is not the first time that God has given to His people what they "wanted" in spite of the harm He knew it would bring them. Call it heavenly "tough love". It may not be easy (is anything these days?) , but God has a plan and His will regarding the world and the lives of those who inhabit it will prevail. If Elijah could serve God during the reign of Ahab, and Paul could serve Christ during the time of Nero, then we can still serve God no matter who is in the White House. Life in the U.S.A. may be more challenging for christians during the days ahead. But challenge puts things in perspective. It provides an environment that reveals what we really believe. And that is not a bad thing.

Nov 3, 2008

Don't let this opportunity pass you by...

Here we are just a few short hours away from playing a part in our country's continued journey for freedom. To exercise that freedom with responsibility according to the truth of God's Word is something that many people have given both life and limb for. I have been taken back by quite a few individuals who, even though they have this right, are refusing the responsibility they have to vote their conscience. They use the excuse that they don't like either candidate, and that they are confused about the propositions presented. My answer to each one is that #1. Not voting is giving away your vote #2. There has been enough time and information to research for ourselves to find which leaders to follow #3. In my opinion I have come to the conclusion that there are only two leading issues that have been "socially" clouded, but must be protected according to my faith and God's Word. They are Protecting the Unborn and Protecting the Sacrament of Marriage between a man and a woman. I am a simple woman with a simple mind, and have heard every possible argument for both of these issues from those that don't feel the need to protect what God has authored from creation. I will state my case with this comment. To protect a woman's right to her own body that she has already surrendered by making the choice to have sex, takes away her option to make another choice for another life. I know many will say that rape or incest should be a factor, however, the old adage that "two wrongs don't make a right," still holds. There are other options, i.e. adoption. Secondly, if two same-gendered individuals want to live together, that is completely up to them. I don't have to agree with it, but I don't believe that they should have more rights than a man and a woman in a traditional marriage. To teach our children anything without parental permission takes away and waters down the family unit as it was intended. Do I use the scripture as my basis for these beliefs. Absolutely! There are few things left in life that are deemed "Sacred." One is LIFE and the other is MARRIAGE. Forgetting these two basic and foundational truths underminds all our country and it's founding fathers were inspired by at its' inception. The inerrant Word of God clearly shows that veering from this foundational system only brings us closer to the destruction of our country as we know it, our families and the health therein, and our strength as individuals. We have wasted away to be all about ourselves and have become so watered down in every aspect of our lives that we don't even stand out as a people anymore. We have all turned inward due to our lack of character, integrity, work ethic, and tolerance. Probably the one thing that made up my mind about Mr. Obama was when he refused to wear a lapel pin of the American flag and said that, "he didn't want others to think that by wearing the flag, he was taking sides." We've lost our edge, our strength, our values my friends. We have become weak and think that in the name of tolerance, others will respect us. I encourage each of you to pray for this country and it's leaders. Then also, we must pray for ourselves to have the wisdom to see what is the Truth. "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways. Then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land."

Nov 1, 2008

A few "Idiot"-syncrosies and other things!

I am a huge proponent to having my "things" work! That would be cars, appliances, lights, my playlist...and I can't stand things that squeak or rattle, oh, and the endless dribble of talk radio. It bugs me that there are people that literally make a good living at nothing more than debating every issue known to man. There you go, now you know something you didn't about me, and were probably better off without.
OK, so let's be normal now, Bonnie.
We had a fantastically successful Trunk or Treat extavaganza lastnight in our office parking lot. Families came from all over, many returning from prior years. We made sure there was plenty to do for ages 2-4, and I don't even know how many little girls fingernails I painted in our Girlie Booth. Five on each hand times ???. I loved it! Super slides, bounce houses, mini-car races, mazes, etc. Can't even begin to guess how many were there, but it was a boatload. The previous years we were able to guesstimate the numbers by counting the food bought and sold. This year we asked the little drive thru mexican resturant next door, to make a special menu, which they did, and the only food we had was cupcakes (for the walk,) and popcorn. So much easier, less messy, and gave more hands to man all the game booths and rides, as well as added revenue for the resturant. It sprinkled the day of and the night before, but lastnight it was perfect. Not too cold, people were very relaxed and fun was had by all. Being able to do things for our community is very gratifying and good for our businesses as well.
Hope you had some fun with your family(s). Now we have to hold on to our hats as we race towards Thanksgiving and Christmas. I look forward to hearing about all of your holiday plans. If you have any special ideas, or recipes, please share the wealth....and remember how much God loves YOU.

p.s. Music is back up...yeah!