Here is a question for you. Have your ever wondered how "you fit" in all that surrounds you in your life? What is the purpose of any event, either positive and negative that happens, especially those things outside of our control? I think I may have an answer...which is pivotal for me (don't laugh.) Even though much of what we do continuously or habitually, is what makes us feel good, or accomplished, or garners praise from others, I think we do what we do, because we want to feel like we fit somewhere so badly. It is only when we read what scripture says in Romans 12:1&2, or John 3, or Psalms 23, or Jeremiah 29:11, that we understand that, life as we know it, was never meant to necessarily make us happy. In fact, christian or not, most is uncomfortable. Life loves to beat us up, figuratively speaking. We, as followers of Jesus, are repeatedly referred to as sheep, sojourners, unstable in all our ways, driven by the wind and tossed, sinners saved only by His grace, and in dire need of a Savior and saving. The list goes on and on. You're not painting a soothing picture, Bonnie. Pretty depressing, huh? So, the original question is not "do we fit," but maybe, "HOW can we possibly fit?" The christian out-of-the-box author, C.S. Lewis, speaks clearly here, "If you think of this world as a place intended simply for our happiness, you'll find it quite intolerable; Think of it instead as a place of training and correction, and it's not so bad."
P. S. I have to laugh at myself here...I guess that God wanted me to be done while writing this last night. I hit the post button by mistake. Isn't that life though? So much of what we do is "by mistake," and then God in His infinite wisdom picks up our messes and turns them into something useful. So, this is how we fit. It's His puzzle, His plan, His purpose, but most of all we have to be His person! Happy Thanksgiving to each one of you. You fit into my life quite well and I'm very grateful.
He Pays Attention to Your Details
7 years ago
I don't know how to write that thing that Marines do when they are agreeing...something like huawww! But that is what I am doing...Yeah! Huawwww! Sojourners, occupying enemy territory til we get our orders to return HOME! Good word...really good word sis!
Honesty, Integrity, Beuatiful Bonnie. I love that you are blogging your wisdom. My blog is superficial and needs to go deep again. I enjoy checking in with you and hope we can see eachother in person soon!
you are right on about occupying enemy territory. I feel the attack often and have to remember who I am. I am Christ's daugther, a child of the King. I sojourner returning home. Love it! Thanks for helping to set my feet on solid ground today. All my lo ve!
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