Dec 21, 2008

Have you ever experienced ....

SADNESS: a state or spell of low spirits, sadness >Synonyms: blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despondency, disconsolateness, dispiritedness, doldrums, downheartedness, dreariness, dumps, forlornness, gloom, gloominess, heartsickness, joylessness, melancholy, mopes, oppression, unhappiness

So what do we do when we can't seem to pull ourselves up "by our bootstraps?" Are you sad or "off" today? I know the bottom line answer to our dilemma. It's that we feel so out of control about many of the things surrounding us. The only thing I can control, or at least try to control is me, and that is probably the hardest thing to do. So what do I do with everything else? Let all the circumstances begin to dictate my attitude and actions? What does the Apostle Paul say in paraphrased form? "That which I would not, that do I do... My spirit's weak and wavering, whoops there it flew. My sin is creeping over me, I covered up with flesh, the carnal man's controllin' me, I'm just a bunch of mesh. Am I the only one that finds myself repeating the phrase "I am soooo over all of this?" May I share with you what put me back on track?

Yesterday I had the privilege to deliver gifts, food, and a Christmas tree to a multi-family home along with some other friends. A recently widowed grandmother has taken in her two daughters and their children into her 1000 s.f. house. She is struggling with the loss of her husband, as well as trying to take care of eight extra people, which also includes her nine year old grand daughter who suffers from kidney failure and high blood pressure. Little, frail Brooke has to be in the hospital every few months for treatment at Valley Children's. The extra stress from having to support a sick child, drive daily to be with her while admitted, and bear the burden of keeping everyone warm and fed, while disabled herself, is overwhelming. The monthly SS check of between $500 & $600 is hardly adequate. When we arrived she was embarrassed. Even though her home was very small and crowded, it was clean and warm. I couldn't help but love on her as she worked so hard to try and express her gratitude through unending tears. She showed us the many pictures of the husband she'd recently lost, and her nine grandchildren. We asked permission to take some pictures to share with others that have adopted other families through the children's hospital, and they were happy to do it. I have been blessed to be able to bless others this way for the past three years, but this time was different. Not being able to erase that scene from my mind's eye last night caused lack of sleep, and encouraged me to pray for them, as I had done with them before leaving their home. Feeling a little like the Widow's mite here...want to give so much more, even though giving all I had....and not regretting one ounce of it!

At this Christmas time my perspective was sharpened just a little more as to how much God has shown His love to us since the beginning of time. Think about giving His one and only Son. I can relate, although rather roughly, remembering how I felt moving from SLO to the Fresno area. Taking my children from the protective bubble of their small schools and "throwing them to the lions" so to speak in huge educational complexes where they knew NO One. Isn't that what God did, but on a much greater scale? Imagine how God must have felt, all the while knowing what was going to be the outcome. The nativity pictures are sweet and nice to look at, but behind all that we could see, was so much more. All that to say that my "Mite" doesn't even begin to touch God's great gift. I only can even begin to relate in the fact that, like me at that moment, I was able to share all I had to give. My resourses will replenish, but God gave His own flesh and blood because His focus was on you and I...even then. What a gift! I hope you will take a few minutes to turn down the blog music, and watch and listen to this little video. One of the best I've seen. Look into the eyes of Mary, Joseph, and the visitors who were a part of that eventful night. I think that they may have understood a little who this baby was, don't you?

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