Now that's a huge task to fill...praising a God who we can't see, in the storms of life. One of the next lines in that song I'm listening to says, "every tear I cry, You hold in your hand." God has a way of
whispering thru the rain, or the heat, or the wind at times, doesn't He? This morning our Pastor was speaking about the Israelites. When it was time for them to go into the Promised Land after wandering (in circles...sound familiar) for 40 years, many who had left Egypt were no longer living. Generations had died and now the younger generation for the most part, would enjoy that land God had promised them. Talk about being sheltered! All those years in the desert, with God Himself, and now they were going into the real world again. As a parent, God was trying to tell them to stay safe within His commands. It's an amazing story, and in fact, still rings true today.... that we are safest and free-est in every sense of the word when we stay within the boundaries of His love. I so often make things more difficult than they should be when I try to steer my own life. We ALL do it... over and over and over again. So, in reality we are just like those Israelites in the desert. All that has changed is our surroundings, right? Thankfully God is the same yesterday, today and forever as well. He never gives up on us, and is forever our faithful Father and friend. Hope this day finds you thankful that each moment is our opportunity to start over.
"Only one life so soon will be past, only what's done for Christ will last!" *Listen to the words of the song as you read.
So true Bonnie! I'm definitely a wanderer! :)
thanks for this reminder!
Heather :)
Love this song and love the reminder. It's funny how I just realized how sheltered I've been in SLO. I'm seeing things that I hardly ever saw there and then reality hits and I'm in LA. EVERY day on the news there is a shooting, a hit-n-run, a missing person, murder, etc. I'm always listening to see where these events are happening and they are on the other side of the freeway. We are in a safe neighborhood according to all our neighbors, yet just on the other side, there is so much sadness happening. Thankful that God is my protection and He is always with me. And that He is in control.
Thank you so much for always having te words of wisdom. It seems you give them at the times I need to hear them the most!
Love Ya! CP
Bonnie, do you know when I speak at women's groups this is one song I reference as being a landmark song for Scott and I. When Caleb died, it was hard for me to imagine the God I knew and loved so much could allow this to happen to me. I am His daughter. This song coupled with His promises kept me from wandering in the darkest time of my life. In daily life, the freedom that I have knowing I am not control, that I may ask for a situation to change in prayer or go to Him with my desires, He knows the outcome. He IS perfection. He knows just what I need. Peace comes from resting in His strength. Love you girl!
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