Jun 24, 2010

The old hymn that plays as I write this morning..."I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus, the Nazarene. And wonder how HE could love ME, a sinner condemned, unclean. How marvelous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be, how marvelous, how wonderful is my Savior's love for me".
It doesn't matter how far we go...but how much nearer we come because His love compels us. When someone loves us, and we believe and sense it in our minds and hearts, it is impossible to shut them out. A couple of weeks ago the thought came to me that God didn't have to go to such great lengths to show us His love....He didn't have to keep on trying to prove His love to us, but He did it anyway. He didn't have to create a world for us to enjoy, or the love of a family to be a picture of His love for us. He didn't have to give us children to love and nurture so we would understand the love He has for His only son, and how He in His mercy and grace for us, gave His son in our place. Picturing that, as a parent, is unfathomable for me. It makes me realize that I don't even come close to understanding how much He loves me. Scripture is clear when it says that God's love is "far beyond all we could ever ask or think". . . and how much more we so easily become immersed in all that this world offers and mistake it for God's best instead of being consumed by all He is and wants to be in our lives. Consider how much He loves you today...It's amazing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My heart is full.