Oct 21, 2008

HE'S GOD ... I'M NOT ... and IT WORKS!

Pretty short, plain and simple. Don't you agree? Started the book of Exodus this last Tuesday. You know the part where God meets Moses at the bush, and as he is doing his best to get out of the position that God is placing him, Moses asks God "Who shall I say that sent me?" God answers "tell them it is I am, that I am, that sends you." Whoa! How's that for clear cut instructions? I have to chuckle (nervously) as I go on reading that Moses' balks again and asks "Why me?" How he has even the clarity of thought to tell God that he can't speak well and it should be his brother that should take the job of leading his people out of the slavery of Egypt is mind boggling. Wayne always says that I have to have the last word most times (I'm getting better,) but even I can't imagine being able to do much more than stutter at a time like that. Why do you think it is that when we think we want a clear, even audible word from God, that we shrink back from really listening to what he has to say. Do you see this like I do? We do the very same thing that Moses did. We make excuses, justify ourselves, play the blame game, discount the fact that God really wants to use us when we are most needy ourselves, perhaps at our lowest physically and/or emotionally (I call it "running on fumes,) or just plain don't want to do it.
I guess I'm not really trying to make a point, nor do I have an agenda, but I am struck with the fact that it doesn't really matter who or where we are. People have always been the same as far as I can see. I'm learning to read a little between the lines as I study these Old Testament men and women. Was their faith great? Not all the time, but God knew it and kneaded and stretched and pushed and pulled, all patiently, to get them where He knew they wanted and needed to be. Can you imagine approx. 2 million people walking in a circle for 40 years in the desert after being in slavery for 430 yrs. in Egypt. They must have thought that things would instantly be better for them, but what a shocker. The whining and fighting must have been outrageous. The lack of loyalty to their leader, the killing, and the complaining never ended until they saw the Promised Land. All that God had provided them on a daily basis still didn't convince them that He was in control and would only protect and care for them. I'm beginning to think that heaven might be mostly for Him...Perfect people, perfect place prepared for his faulty children. Go figure! I can only come to the conclusion again that God was, is, and always will be Good...All the Time. HE NEVER FAILS!

P.S. I was tagged today by a friend (from SLO) blogger who is now living in Austin, TX. The task, if you should decide to take it, is to to to your picture program, then count down to your sixth file and open it. See what you find. You will see mine at the top of this post. One of my most favorite places on earth, taken this past summer while visiting my niece at Hume Lake.


Nonni said...

Great blog entry today...but I don't understand the business about being "tagged"...maybe I am up to late and dull. I have a toothache and can't sleep....maybe it is affecting my brain. (I really want an emoticon that has its eyes crossed!)

Irish Girl said...

I didn't even recognize that as Hume until I read that it was Hume and went back and looked :) I am truly going to miss that place!
Things are going good here, the Pastor at the church I'm "trying out" is the author of the book I wrote about in my last blog! :) Pretty cool!