Dec 31, 2008

What a Grand "Boot Out" to 2008

OK...just came in and wanted to post this while it's fresh and I'm fresh, and probably won't be able to get to sleep anytime soon anyway. Sorry this clip is so short, but they had these "guards" walking back and forth confiscating camera's...what the...? Anyway, I had to have my moms' third eye at work while trying to keep the other two scanning for the resident aisle monster. He was "the Man," for sure and is better than ever. You'd best go if he comes near where you live. What a night!!! Oh and, my own personal Elf Whitney is the bomb! By the way...that's me you hear cheering him on. P. S. Another reminder to turn off my page music so you can hear him.

1 comment:

Mama Mote said...

You're a crack-up, Bon. Glad you had a blast. Sounded pretty good, too. Someday I'll try to get to a concert, before he's totally done. Happy New Year, friend.