Feb 13, 2009

I need thee, Oh, I need thee; Ev'ry hour I need thee....

All I can say is that "God is Absolutely Amazing!" There have been times this past week, that I have made comments, and then once said, have almost felt that I was making promises for Him that I myself had no way of keeping. I know that His promises are true, but when we need something done moue (sp) pronto, it's shakey ground at times. However, knowing that God accomplishes more when we just get out of His way is one thing that I continue to learn. Life is a journey, and there is often a huge learning curve, probably because God is soooo patient with our tiny mustard seed size amount of faith in His never ending faithfulness to us. Father, help me to continue as I trust & believe in your stedfastness
wholeheartedly, unreservedly, and be willing to learn the lessons, especially the hard and heart wrenching ones, that only you can turn around for my good.
Amen & Amen.

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