Sep 19, 2009

The Rod is not the Staff...

It has been a while since I've been in front of this computer. So my purpose was to go back over the past week and see what I've missed...alot. Emails that I should have responded to days ago. Facebook "stuff" and now this blog. Don't have much time, so will just share what made an impression. I am always amazed at the people that read this, and I wish more would make comments just so's I know who's been here, but I understand you don't have any more time than I do most days.
One thing that I will take home though, is that it's incredibly encouraging and upbuilding to see the growth that God gives in lives of my friends. Believe it or not, I have my down days too, and more times than not God uses YOU, yes you, to remind me that it's about all of us. We all touch and affect each other. The truth of it is that He will finish what He started no matter how I feel, hopeless or happy. He is not "detoured" by me at all...and is only after finishing His perfect work IN me and you. He is the master physician, orchestrator, fixer-upper, and He has the perfect plan where we are concerned. You know those "rods" spoken about in the 23rd Psalm....those are to keep us in line. When we fight and try to go the other direction, he has to use them and it hurts sometimes, but protects us from ourselves in doing so. So, I'm very grateful that He doesn't give up on us, and we shouldn't give up on each other either. Love you all. Have a wonderful time in church tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Bonnie, Right on, sista'! You always have the right words at the right moment. God gives you wisdom and you know what to share when. His plan does not change if I am happy, bummed, stressed, distracted, selfish or incredibly devoted to His daily call. He has called me by name, counted the hairs on my head and called me blessed. Who am I to doubt?

Let's get going on Crazy Love!

Mama Mote said...

Hey, BonBon. We were talking about how it's all about Him, too. About denying self, taking up our cross and following Him. No matter what. And about how our minds are "a factory of idols"(John Calvin). Nothing should take the place of Him, yet we are so selfish, we want to be happy, not holy. I pray my passion is for Him and that He is the one I live for.