Nov 20, 2008

A Shelter in the time of Storm...

It seems that on a daily basis I receive an email having to do with the state of the economy. Today one came that showed a list of about thirty well-known corporations that are shutting down stores or closing all together. If ever there was a time that we are feeling "out of control," this would be least in my lifetime. I remember hearing my parents and grandparents speaking of the Depression, and because of my inability to relate to anything like that, I didn't really pay much attention to it. Now, I can understand, even though it hasn't become that bad YET, why people literally ended their lives during that time. Everyone has been, or will be touched by this current event. It will no doubt be put in our children's history books, and remembered by those of us that trudged through it as a challenging time in our own lifetimes.

I am discovering one thing, and that is to recognize that no matter how faithful we perceive ourselves to be, that it is not real or refined unless we have had to put actual "feet" to our faith. Does that make sense? One of the many things that I love about the Bible is that it gives us the opportunity to watch many men and women whose lives were changed, challenged, tried and tested. One of my favorites is Paul. How many times do we read his words that were written from a cold, dark prison cell, or a sinking boat. Paul was consistently putting the needs of others first and sharing His faith in God's sovereignty. I don't know anyone that has had to go through what Paul endured, not even now, but how easy it is for us to question our circumstances or the reason for them. How my own "mustard seed" faith has been brought into focus for me. My own weakness has been magnified and when I take the time to look, God's strength has become multiplied, or has the potential to if I will just get out of the way...IICor. 12:9
"My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness ... so that others may see it is only the power of Christ working through me." In other words, there is a time that we all need to be stripped to our very core so that others don't see us, but Jesus living and working in and through us. That's painful at times, isn't it? Refining, pruning, shelving, and even removing is at times what is necessary to show that it is really God who is in control. I believe that these days are a time when we will have the opportunity to either take God at His Word and trust, or continue to refuse to let go and eventually fail. There are only two forces at work here, one is the god of this world, and the other is our heavenly Father. Putting blinders on or pretending that these things will just go away and return to "normal," is a dangerous thing to do. Denying that God is trying to get our attention puts us in a very precarious position, to say the least. No matter what we feel, or say, God never changes. He has an itinerary, and His track record shows that He will do what He says He will do. I will encourage each of my readers to look inward. Know that He loves you and that without His presence in your life there is no solid ground to stand on. We have to go about our lives and business giving our very best, remembering that it all is a gift from Him. I can't leave you without reminding you that the big picture is all good. We who know Jesus are safe and sheltered. There is nothing that can tear us from His arms of love. We are forever secure even though things look rocky. Our future is bright and eternal. Let's continue to encourage each other and fight the good fight. Security is knowing that we can depend on the One who knows us and loves us unconditionally.


Unknown said...

Bonnie, I am linking your post from my blog, this needs to be shared. I hope it is okay. I adore you. Thanks, Mish

Mama Mote said...

AMEN and AMEN! You are so right, Bon. I keep thinking how nice it will be when we finally move into our own little place again...whenever that will be. I'm so thankful that as we wait on the Lord, we have a place to stay. While we wait on the Lord, Dan still has a job, although very inconvenient...and I still have my job. That while we wait on Him, we know He is the one in control and we can rejoice in our time of uncertainty, knowing His faithfulness and knowing He loves us and wants the best for us. I can't wait till we are on the other side of this - mainly because I'm excited to see NOW where we will be then. But I'm just loving the fact that He is here all the time - we are not alone in this.