Just came from the races. Blayke here, to your left, is now five and has grown up enough to FINALLY be able to drive his own go-cart. He has been very patiently awaiting his turn, while his big brother Brayden has been the "guinea pig" and started the driving craze. Blayke has the Heart of a Lion...no fear...should be this boy's motto. He is at times quiet, but has a 'carries a big stick' type mentality. It's very hot here in Fresno these days. Not unusual for this time of the year. So try putting on a full driving suit and all the padding needed for safety, a very heavy helmet, and drive in 100*+ weather for about 25 minutes or so on a asphfalt track and see how you do. Today, Blaykie came in second place in his class. Not an easy task for our little "dare me to do anything" boy. So proud of him...and Blayke...Great job on keeping your head down!
Skyler Sadie Perry, on the other hand, just turned four years old on the 30th. What a little "surprise she's always been...from conception to the present. So independantly delightful! She will tell you what's on her mind, whether you want to hear it or not, and only checks in when she's ready to. Her friends are anyone who will enjoy her, no matter the age. She is truly the youngest of four, but don't mistake her smile and laughter for being the weakest in any way, shape or form. Not detoured easily, it's always best to use "creativity" with our little dancer to get her to do what you want. Most likely she's already figured out what her elders wish she would do, so it's best to stay two steps ahead at all times.
How much fun has it been for me to see these kids grow to where they are today. I can't even ever imagine my life without them. Mathematically speaking that would be "half-a-life." They are all a huge part of me. I know that will never change, because God doesn't give gifts to add to who we are to only remove the sparkle that they bring. I love them so much it hurts, and pray for them daily that the many lives that each of them touch in their lifetimes will be fuller, like mine, because of the impact they have had and continue to have on me.

1 comment:
Bonnie, I have missed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing about those sweet kiddos. I fell like I have missed a lot of their lives as we have not been involved with PFS nearly as much. Boo-hoo. Kiss them for me!
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