This past Thursday night was scary for me. Sometimes we don't realize how heavily we count on others to give us security. The phone rang and I missed it, but saw that one of my aunt's had tried to call me. A call that time of day was unusual, and the busy signal that I heard while trying to get her made it worse. During that time I had run every senario thru my mind, most of them negative. Finally, after what seemed like almost an hour of busy's I heard her voice answer. She sounded tired and asked me how I was, like it mattered then. My only question was to know what was wrong. The news was that my 86 year old aunt, my mom's closest sister, had been driving home from her weekly trip to the grocery store and had been in a terrible accident. She was turning onto her country road, and had been hit by two girls. The impact had broken her hip and her arm in four places. Her car was totaled, had been spun around twice and she was going into surgery the next morning after she was stabilized. This is not a frail woman, believe me. She is one of 12 children who has 8 children of her own. She lived with an alcoholic husband for twenty years, abused and beaten many times. Has lost two of her children to an early death, and became the primary care-giver to my grandparents before they died. My Aunt Muriel is a woman of God. She has taught me that hardships and circumstances are not permanent, but meant to make us better. Her walk with her Lord is THE most important part of her life, and to pray with her is truly to walk into His presence. Next to my own mom, I love her immensely. God spared her...it was only a couple of months ago that I called her, as I do on a regular basis, and she told me she couldn't answer the phone one day that I tried to get her, because she was doing something on top of her house. NO JOKE! That's my Aunt Muriel. Well, now I want to bring her home...Will she come...absolutely not, but she knows she can. Her kids wouldn't let her go and I know that. But, it reminded me that God alone holds the key to what is allowed and disallowed. When it is time for her to go home with Him, it will be the best time for all of us. Thankfully, God is perfect in his timing, and that He is not bound by it. This reminds me that when I pray for those that I love, I have to trust Him, give my burdens to Him, and allow Him to do things His way. "Thou will keep him/her in perfect peace....when?...when our minds are focused on Him." Our reality is that God will have His way with us no matter what...He wants us to believe and understand that His love for us is unconditional and eternal. I love my aunt, she knows it, and her life is in His hands. What better place could she be? Have a great week-end. Love you.
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