Sep 6, 2008

Loving some quiet time...

Yeah!!! It's Sat. morning and I am totally enjoying some quiet for just a little while. Yesterday was actually very productive in several ways. Trying to get somewhat settled in our new digs has been challenging to say the least. I had a yard sale and managed to get rid of some of the larger things. Mostly neighbors came by, which was fun since I was able to meet them on my turf and promote business at the same time. Think I will put some things out again in the afternoon for a few hours since it's the week-end and see if I get any more takers. I have found out that I am not a saver. Wayne keeps every little paper and receipt, I, on the other hand, am a thrower awayer. Now don't start judging me yet, I do have some old cards, special gifts, pictures that are special to me, but come-on now, if I kept everything that comes my way, and added that to his "memories," I wouldn't be able to walk to the front door! The old adage, "What you can't see, you don't miss (just made that up)" is reasonable to me. After all, if you've kept something in a box in the attic for the last nine years, and have forgotten it's even there, then how can you miss it? Get my drift?
I think I like the idea of purging on a regular basis. Not the body kind, since I'm not good at starving myself, but the "stuff" kind. Just the thought that my kids would have to rummage through all sorts of my things, after doing it for both sets of parents, is almost enough to promote the gagging reflex. How about if I just ask them now about what they do or don't want, and I don't have room for I get rid of? Now what about that is irrational?
Any picture of Jesus I've ever seen, I don't ever recall seeing one of him toting a box, or a suitcase, a backpack, or even a fanny pack. Life is too short and there's too much to do to be incumbered by anything that takes our time away from the really important things in life that God has given us to do. Can you tell that I've been thinking about this alot these past weeks? Remember, in the Gospels when Jesus enlisted Peter, James & John to be his disciples? What did he say? "Drop your nets (& all that entails) and come and follow me..." He asks all of us to leave what we perceive is security for us, i.e. the THINGS that WE surround ourselves with, and trust Him to add what we NEED, in order to be the best US that we can be according to His riches in glory. Now after pondering on that thought, this sounds like an incredible trade-off for us, right? Remember Jer. 29:11? "I know the plans I have for you, plans for a hope and a future..." Psa. 34:10 "Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing." So, maybe you would join me in "throwing off the things that sideline us." It really is freeing. Nuff said. Thanks for spending time with me, hope your week-end is full of personal blessings and valuable trade-offs.


Nonni said...

Well hello there! How did you find me? I was very surprised to see your comment...I thought I was "incognito" so to speak. Nonni is rather a generic title.
I have been reading your blog and enjoying it. Keep 'em coming (your postings that is) and thanks for stopping by at Knotty Habits and Nonnis Lettera D'Amore.

Bonnie said...

Welcome, of course. I've been visiting Casey's blog daily too. All that newness has such a strange mystery to it, doesn't it. I envy her a bit. Come back to visit soon. If I can't see you in person then I guess this will just have to do...;-)

Nonni said...

Hey, thanks! I envy her myself...she is in one of the two places I have always wanted to go AND she has two of my grandkids! Talk about held hostage...she can get anything out of me about now. I am trying to wrap all this stuff up so I can come down- I am , I am , I am! :-)