Sep 11, 2008

Important Days to Remember...

Sometimes I am reminded vividly of what the Apostle Paul said & here's a song from an old musical, written in his paraphrased words..."That which I would not, that do I do, my spirit's weak and waverin', whoops! There it flew. My sin is creeping over me, I'm covered up with flesh, the carnal man's controllin' me, I just a bunch of mesh..."
Some of you out there in cyberspace may have fallen prey to my email this a.m. After waking to check my AOL box, and the first thing I see is Ms. Rosie O'Donnell's ever changing face as she is spewing her opinion of Gov. Palin, I just lost all reason and wrote down how this has affected me. Sometimes we do and say such strange things when we feel our way of life is threatened. Take Matt Damon for instance. I was just a bit taken back when he shared his outlook as well. Since when, did we regress back to our early childhood? Remember the days when there was always a mean kid on your block or the playground? A child who's only mission in life was to intimidate and control others that were weak in any way. Do any of you see the parallel? Well, as soon as I hit the "send" key for that email, I started getting responses. Don't get me wrong, since that was precisely my point. However, so far I have seen that this whole political upheaval that we are witnessing is directly due to fear. That's all. It has not as much to do with issues, or character, or integrity, but in my opinion has to do with the fear of being found out, and/or seen for who we really are. You know how quickly days, weeks, months and years pass by the older we get? Well, the reality that this life will come to an end and we will be held accountable according to what we do is staring many in the face. This is for some a hard pill to swallow. Especially when that isn't the way most people live. "Eat, drink, & be merry, for tomorrow we die(or not)!" When Barack Obama first came on the scene he was pretty persuasive, wasn't he? No one was judging his lack of experience then, but many were upset with President Bush. Then the longer we watched him as he approached different stages of his political venue, we saw him make judgments that we had to make choices about. To salute or not salute the flag, to wear or not to wear a flag lapel pin, to remove the flag from his official airplane and replace it with his personal insignia, to vacillate about his opinions so to keep the "masses" happy, to lack decisive ideas that he has stayed with to this day, to answer questions with questions, etc., etc., etc. Does he seem like a "nice guy?" Sure...but when it comes down to true and decisive leadership, is that what we want?
My blogs are usually more about my own personal journey with my God, but I really believe that this election is very important to Him, because of it's importance to us in so many ways. I really believe that this is an opportune time for us to "have an answer for every man (woman, child,) for the hope that is within us". I Peter 3:15 & "
Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack." I Peter 5:8
"Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the World." I John 4:4
Happy in Good Will!

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