Sep 18, 2008

Solitute...well, kind of.

I am preparing to leave for a few days for some solitute, or at the very least, a change of scenery. Lindsay has been here for a long overdue visit before she takes her leave for San Francisco. She will be entering an internship at an architectural firm there for eleven wks. I miss her still, even though she has been out from under our roof for almost five years now. I was sharing with her this a.m. that all the changes that surround this time of life for me seem to have more "teeth" to them. I've become pretty flexible, I think, but every once in a while, as in this once in a while, I find myself tensing up a little. My baby (25) is moving to a big city and will be going it completely alone. Is she apprehensive? That would be a resounding NO!, which makes me feel a little better, I guess. Ah, what danger lurks to snatch up my young. I reminded her this morning that she had been given back to God when she was just a baby, and I do not, nor can I, take her back. What safer arms could she be in than that of her heavenly Father's? But, humanly speaking, I am just not that good at completely letting go. Thankfully, He knows that, and patiently goes about His business of refining us both in this sometimes painful process. I think now, after writing this, that this dilemma has been what has been in part, bothering me for the past several days. I have been trying to put my finger on what the problem was...teary, unsettled, feeling somewhat a failure in most things, sometimes hopeless, allowing my emptiness to bleed over into other important relationships that could make me feel better about myself, but weren't up to the task. This blogging stuff can be somewhat cathartic, I guess. Thank you, God!
Well, back to my plans...I'm going to the mountains, and look forward to lots of talking, sharing, walking, laughing, & spending time with some friends. I can smell the pine already. Guess my biggest problem now is to find my sweats. So, now to the task. Thanks for visiting.
Maybe you have a "burr under your saddle" that you can't understand. Put yourself in a place where God can talk to you, uninterrupted....He will!

Psalm 121:1-4
I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not let your feet go out from under you. He Who watches over you will not sleep. Listen, He Who watches over Israel will not close his eyes or sleep.

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