Nov 5, 2008

On with life.

I'm going to spare you and instead share with you something my sis-in-law wrote yesterday. I can't possibly improve on what she said, but will leave a verse with you that fits me well.

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deut. 31:8
It has been said that "fear is nurtured by ignorance."
When we do not know the true God, we assume He is like ourselves and that alone is a terrifying thought. When we do not know the true God, we reduce Him to a mere mortal. And so our minds make our fears bigger than they really are and, sadly, bigger than He is.

The election is now over and the results are in. I am certainly disappointed in the outcome, but life will go on. This is not the first time that God has given to His people what they "wanted" in spite of the harm He knew it would bring them. Call it heavenly "tough love". It may not be easy (is anything these days?) , but God has a plan and His will regarding the world and the lives of those who inhabit it will prevail. If Elijah could serve God during the reign of Ahab, and Paul could serve Christ during the time of Nero, then we can still serve God no matter who is in the White House. Life in the U.S.A. may be more challenging for christians during the days ahead. But challenge puts things in perspective. It provides an environment that reveals what we really believe. And that is not a bad thing.

1 comment:

Nonni said...

Hey, my update says you had a new entry, but then it says there is no page when I try to access it...whats up with that?
And you know I never noticed it before but Mom does have rather large hands!